Augmented Intelligence

Why we are building Huku?


Mar 26, 2024

Modern work is scattered

Every day, We're glued to our computer for what feels like forever, drowning in information. Our aim? To be productive, creative, and do work that actually matters. But let's be real, a lot of that time is spent hunting for stuff - the right tab, window, or file. Questions like "What was I even doing?" or "Where did I save that?" are part of our daily routine.
Most of us have a zillion tabs open and cobble together ways to manage just so we don't feel left out of the loop. The moment we turn on our computers, we're greeted with a wave of stress, annoyance, and a whole lot of "ugh, not this again!"

Age of Information overload:

In today's world, where ChatGPT, Youtube, and social media fuel an unprecedented influx of information, gaining knowledge has never been simpler. But, this information is just a small part of much bigger ideas and knowledge. Many people still don't fully understand these complex topics, despite having lots of information at their fingertips.

Information overload can make us feel overwhelmed, making it hard to focus, make choices, or remember things. This constant flood of data can stress us out, tire us, and make us feel like we're always behind. Over time, dealing with too much information can also weaken our ability to think critically and tell important facts from less important ones.

Human brains aren't designed to manage the vast amount of information found on the internet. Sorting and organising information is a job for machines.

Knowledge work is cyclical

The lifecycle of human knowledge work can be understood as a series of interconnected stages, each building upon the previous one to create, refine, and disseminate information.

Human knowledge lifecycle:
Browsing/Searching → Capturing + Collecting  → Thinking + Working → Collaborating → Output →Sharing

Each step is crucial for transforming raw data into impactful insights. At every step of this process, maintaining context is essential. However, we use we use too many different tools at each stage, spreading our work and information across them. This makes it hard to keep track of the context behind our work, diminishing the meaning and coherence of the work.

Current tools for productivity, such as Notion, Roam etc require a lot of effort to use effectively. They're good for people who like to stay organised, but not for everyone. The majority of us, who aren't focused on productivity techniques, would prefer a simpler system that automatically helps them find information and remember things without needing to learn new habits.
Such a system would work automatically, making us feel in control without the fear of losing important information

AI: A tool to augment human Intellect

Visionary pioneers  such as  Doug Engelbart and Alan kay pursued a dream in which computers enabled powerful tools for thought, that is, tools to augment human intelligence.

Doug Engelbart, known for his concept of augmenting human intellect, believed in leveraging technology to enhance our problem-solving capabilities and collective intelligence. Similarly, Alan Kay envisioned the personal computer as a dynamic medium for creative thought, a "personal dynamic media" that could simulate any conceivable idea.

"Technology should not aim to replace humans, rather amplify human capabilities" — Doug Engelbart

Recent breakthroughs in AI have led to its emergence as an intelligence layer, if integrated with day to day workflow correctly and seamlessly, it can augment and assist knowledge work leading to the development of solutions beyond our current imagination. AI's capacity to automate routine tasks, analyze complex data, uncover patterns hidden to us, and support decision-making processes makes it a thinking partner that amplifies our cognitive capabilities.

This collaboration between human intelligence and artificial intelligence could change how we approach work, hinting at a future where our interactions with computers are even more deeply intertwined with intellectual and creative processes.

HuKu is reimagining work with AI

HuKu is reimagining work for knowledge workers with AI at it’s core. Huku works at the each step of knowledge cycle (Browsing → Capturing → Thinking + Working → Collaborating → Output),
and makes each step empowered with AI can reduce the human effort and help the user to maintain their flow

HuKu is three things :

Smart Research assistant ( Browsing + Searching +Capturing )

An AI powered smart research assistant that captures the information in one click, understand deeper context with AI and creates insights personal to you automagically

  • Browser based extension that quickly captures everything. Captures relevant  tags, deeper meta data, and rich context

  • Resurfaces old research the information you need, where and when you need it based on your work context

  • Learns from your usage patterns to suggest more relevant content captures over time

Self - Organised  Knowledge base ( Organising + retrieving )

An AI-driven knowledge base and file management system that organizes and fills it self, designed for both individuals and teams

  • Save anything your bookmarks, drives, clouds, notes, links and files automatically gathered into one smart knowledge base.

  • A space auto organised by AI, where the team can work together on any document, tapping into our collective intelligence. We can all add and edit information in one central, easy-to-search spot, and it's super quick.

  • Chat with your knowledge base to instantly pull any relevant information. AI does intuitive, context-aware searches across all your collected data.

AI workdesk: ( Work + Output )

AI Workdesk integrated with multiple AI models  designed for doing complex and high quality tasks, to do any knowledge work and create workflow. Think and create in private or team up for collaboration.

  • Search, drag and drop any knowledge from your knowledge base.

  • Multimodal agents can process and integrate information from various sources to provide more comprehensive and context-aware responses.

  • Create custom AI workflows  which you can share with your team

Our Mission:

At HuKu, We are building tools that connects the knowledge cycle and use AI to enable users for doing more productive work. Our main focus is to make it easy for people to find and use the information they need, work together to create new knowledge, and have tools that help them think and work better.

Our aim is to augment human intellect with AI, enabling deep work and reclaim our most valuable resource; Time

Note from founders:
We’re currently building and testing it with a small group of users. If our vision of a HuKu resonates with you, we would love to hear from you. Please register your interest using the link below.

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