Augmented Intelligence

Augmented Intelligence : A new way to work


Nov 19, 2023

 By harnessing the power of generative AI, you can augment and enhance your creative abilities rather than merely replicating them. The true potential of these tools lies in their ability to offer new and unique perspectives, fostering new thought processes, rather than simply reproducing already established ideas.

ChatGPT has taken the internet by storm and blown us away with its impressive capabilities and its potential to reshape the world of artificial intelligence and natural language processing. It is becoming increasingly evident that artificial intelligence will play a major role in shaping the future of work, as it will enable new and innovative ways of working and will likely lead to changes in where work takes place.

See for yourself

Write the opening paragraph for a blog about how generative AI will change the nature of knowledge work, in the style of David Perell.

and this was the ChatGPT’s response :

As the world becomes increasingly automated, it's no surprise that the nature of knowledge work is also undergoing a transformation. One driving force behind this change is generative AI, a type of artificial intelligence that can generate novel and creative outputs. From generating news articles and social media posts to designing products and even composing music, generative AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about work and the role of humans in the workplace. In this blog, we'll explore how generative AI is already changing the nature of knowledge work and what we can expect in the future.

This is a pretty impressive result and gives me a starting point to think about.

What changed? What is so different about chatGPT?

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can generate new and unique outputs, such as images, text, or sound. ChatGPT (short for “Generative pre-trained Transformer) is also a type of generative AI model that is fine-tuned for specific tasks such as language translation, question answering and summarisation.
One of the most intriguing aspects of these generative AI applications is their ability to create seemingly original content based on simple prompts from users.
Please take a look at the image below.
I used  a Generative AI model called "Midjourney" to generate images for this blog. It gave me good enough four options on first try itself.

My Midjourney Prompt was:

Knowledge worker working on computer and using AI to enhance their creativity and stimulate new perspectives and thought processes

Generative AI tools are becoming increasingly accessible and user-friendly, with many requiring no technical skills to use. These tools include image generators, video editors, automated coding assistants,  marketing content copywriters and many more.  Shortly, the technology behind generative AI will rapidly evolve and become more advanced.

How knowledge workers are going to use generative AI

Knowledge work requires a higher level of critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills and generative AI such as ChatGPT can greatly enhance productivity in all of these areas. Let’s take a look at some of the examples:

Programmers :

Code completion: Assistive AI could be used to generate code snippets or complete code blocks based on user input, saving developers time and helping them avoid errors.

Debugging: Assistive AI could be used to identify and fix errors in code, either by suggesting fixes or by providing additional context to help developers understand the problem.

Documentation: AI could be used to generate documentation for code projects, including explanations of how the code works and how to use it.

Product managers :

Market research: AI  could be used to quickly gather and analyse data on competitors, market trends, and customer preferences, helping product managers make more informed decisions.

Product development: Use AI to analyse customer feedback and identify common themes or pain points, helping product managers understand what customers want and how to improve their products and to help prioritise and plan the development process.

Collaboration: ChatGPT could be used to facilitate collaboration between team members by acting as a virtual assistant that can help schedule meetings, manage project tasks, and provide real-time updates


Content generation: ChatGPT could be used to generate ideas for marketing campaigns or to create written content such as social media posts, blog articles, or email newsletters.

Customer service: ChatGPT could be used to handle customer inquiries or complaints, freeing up human customer service reps to focus on more complex tasks.

A/B testing: AI can help design and analyse A/B tests, allowing marketers to optimise their campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

The advantages of generative AI are clear. It increases productivity and encourages creativity while introducing new methods and forms of communication. However, it's important to keep in mind that like with any technology it's important to consider the implications, know its limitation and how we intend to use it.

Limitations of Generative AI : Why humans will be still key players 

Generative AI models, such as GPT-3, can generate highly realistic and coherent text, images, and other types of media. However, there are several potential shortcomings of generative AI models. Some of the main challenges include:

  • Bias: Generative AI systems can be trained on biased data, which can lead to biased outputs.

  • Lack of transparency: It can be difficult to understand how a generative AI system arrived at a particular output, which can make it difficult to trust the results. This lack of transparency can make debugging and improving the system challenging.

  • Quality of output: The quality of the output produced by a generative AI system can vary widely, and it may not always be of sufficient quality for the intended use.

  • Lack of understanding: Generative models are not able to truly understand the meaning of the text or images they generate, and the result can be low-quality or nonsensical outputs.

  • Limited capabilities: Generative AI systems are currently limited in their capabilities, and may not be able to handle tasks that require higher-level cognition or domain-specific expertise.

  • Dependency: Relying too heavily on generative AI systems can lead to a lack of critical thinking and problem-solving skills in humans.

For example, let’s relook closely at one of the images that I generated using Midjourney. Take a look at the fingers.

Hands are a complex and challenging feature to generate, especially fine details like fingers, nails, and creases on the skin. This problem is not unique to just hand generation but is often seen in other body parts, like face, or object-specific generations like cars and flowers.
With these limitations in mind, even though AI can assist you in streamlining your processes and make you 10X productive, you will still need humans in the driver's seat.
For example, with coding assistants, it will be essential to thoroughly review AI-generated code to ensure that it performs as intended.
Although AI Word processors can write coherent sentences but lack the understanding of emotions, sarcasm or nuances of language that a human would have. A human editor would still be needed to review and proofread the generated content, to make sure it's accurate, unbiased and ethical.

Augmented intelligence: AI as your thinking partner

The most powerful and impactful results will be produced when AI is used in collaboration with humans, rather than as a replacement for them.
"Augmented intelligence", where AI is used to assist and augment human capabilities, rather than replace them is the way forward.  
Individuals and companies who will know how to use AI tools will be better equipped to take advantage of the many benefits that AI has to offer and can level up their performance and productivity.
AI is good at tasks that are repetitive or time-consuming, allowing humans to focus on higher-level thinking and problem-solving. AI can also help to amplify knowledge worker expertise and capabilities, by providing real-time analysis and insights. The combination of human and AI skills will lead to more creative and innovative outcomes.
Overall, the key to successful human-AI collaboration is finding the right balance between what humans are good at and what AI is good at and leveraging the strengths of both to achieve the best possible results.


There is no doubt that generative AI tools will change the future of knowledge work. It’s not perfect but under the human guidance it can produce great results and can save significant amounts of time with work. Understanding how to use them will be a competitive edge.
 By harnessing the power of generative AI, you can augment and enhance your creative abilities rather than merely replicating them. The true potential of these tools lies in their ability to offer new and unique perspectives, fostering new thought processes, rather than simply reproducing already established ideas.

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